Hovorím po slovensky a chcem sa naučiť angličtinu. |
Line 1 / 60
You men, gather round.
You |
men |
gather |
round |
Hej |
muži |
zhromaždiť sa |
okolo |
Hej muži, zhromaždite sa.
Line 2 / 60
I've been talking with Private Bucklin.
I have been talking |
with Private Bucklin |
Hovoril som |
s Vojakom Bucklinom |
Hovoril som s Vojakom Bucklinom.
Line 3 / 60
He's told me about your problem.
he has told |
me |
about |
your problem |
Povedal |
mi |
o |
váš problém |
Povedal mi o vašom probléme.
Line 4 / 60
There's nothing I can do today.
there is |
nothing |
I can do |
today |
Tam je |
nič |
môžem spraviť |
dnes |
Dnes nemôžem nič urobiť.
Line 5 / 60
We're moving out in a few minutes.
we are moving out |
in a few minutes |
sťahujeme sa |
za niekoľko minút |
Sťahujeme sa za niekoľko minút.
Line 6 / 60
We'll be moving all day.
we will be moving |
all day |
budeme sa hýbať |
celý deň |
Budeme sa pohybovať celý deň.
Line 7 / 60
I've been ordered to take you men with me.
I have been ordered |
to take |
you men |
with me |
Bolo mi nariadené |
aby som zobral |
vás chlapov |
so mnou |
Bolo mi nariadené, aby som vás chlapov zobral so sebou.
Line 8 / 60
I'm told that if you don't come, I can shoot you.
I am told |
that |
if |
you do not come |
I can shoot you |
Bolo mi povedané |
že |
ak |
nepôjdete |
môžem vás zastreliť |
Bolo mi povedané, že ak nepôjdene, môžem vás zastreliť.
Line 9 / 60
Well, you know I won't do that.
well |
you know |
I would not do |
that |
Nuž |
viete |
nespravil by som |
to |
Nuž, viete že to nespravím.
Line 10 / 60
Maybe somebody else will, but I won't. So, that's that.
maybe |
somebody |
else |
will |
but |
I would not |
so |
that is that |
Možno |
niekto |
iný |
bude |
ale |
nespravím |
takže |
to je to |
Možno niekto iný to urobí, ale ja nie. Takže tak.
Line 11 / 60
Here's the situation.
here is |
the situation |
Tu je |
situácia |
Takáto je situácia.
Line 12 / 60
The whole reb army is up that road a ways waiting for us.
the whole reb (rebel) Army |
is up |
that road |
a ways |
waiting for us |
celá rebelská armáda |
je hore |
tej cesty |
cesty |
čaká na nás |
Celá rebelská armáda je hore na konci tejto cesty a čaká na nás.
Line 13 / 60
So this is no time for an argument like this.
so |
this is |
no time |
for an argument |
like this |
tak |
toto je |
žiadny čas |
na argument |
takto |
Toto nieje čas na hádky.
Line 14 / 60
I tell you, we could surely use you fellows.
I tell you |
we could use |
surely |
you fellows |
Hovorím vám |
mohli by sme použiť |
vás priatelia |
určite |
Vravím vám, vážne by ste sa nám hodili.
Line 15 / 60
We're now well below half strength.
we are |
now |
well below |
half strength |
sme |
teraz |
riadne pod |
polovičná sila |
Teraz sme riadne pod polovičnou silou.
Line 16 / 60
Whether you fight or not, that's up to you.
whether |
you fight |
or not |
that is up to you |
Či |
bojujete |
alebo nie |
to je na vás |
Či bojujete alebo nie, to je na vás.
Line 17 / 60
Whether you come along is…is...well, you're coming.
whether |
you come along |
is |
well |
you are coming |
Či |
pôjdete s nami |
je |
nuž |
idete |
Či tiež pôjdete s nami je ...je...nuž, idete.
Line 18 / 60
You know who we are, what we're doing here.
you know |
who |
we |
are |
what |
we are doing |
here |
Viete |
kto |
mi |
sme |
čo |
robíme |
tu |
Viete kto sme, čo tu robíme.
Line 19 / 60
But if you're going to fight alongside us, there's a few things I want you to know.
but |
if you are going to fight |
alongside us |
there is |
a few things |
you must know |
ale |
ak bojujete |
s nami |
sú tu |
pár vecí |
musíte vedieť |
Ale ak budete bojovať po našom boku, je tu pár vecí ktoré chcem aby ste vedeli.
Line 20 / 60
This regiment was formed last summer in Maine.
this regiment |
was formed |
last summer |
in Maine |
regiment |
bol založený |
minulé leto |
v Maine |
Regiment bol založený minulé leto v Maine.
Line 21 / 60
There were a thousand of us then.
there were |
a thousand |
of us |
then |
boli tam |
tisíce |
z nás |
vtedy |
V tedy nás boli tisíce.
Line 22 / 60
There are less than three hundred of us now.
there are |
less than |
three hundred |
of us |
now |
je tam |
menej než |
tri stovky |
z nás |
teraz |
Teraz je nás tu menej ako tri stovky.
Line 23 / 60
All of us volunteered to fight for the Union, just as you did.
all of us |
volunteered |
to fight |
for the Union |
just as |
you did |
všetci z nás |
dobrovolne |
bojovať |
za Úniu |
tak ako |
vy ste spravili |
Všetci z nás dobrovolne bojujú za Úniu, presne ako vy.
Line 24 / 60
Some came, mainly because we were bored at home.
some |
came |
mainly |
because |
we were bored |
at home |
niektorý |
prišli |
hlavne |
pretože |
boli sme znudený |
doma |
Niektorý prišli, hlavne preto že sa doma nudili.
Line 25 / 60
Thought this looked like it might be fun.
[we] thought |
this |
looked |
like |
it might be fun |
mysleli sme |
toto |
vyzeralo |
ako |
mohla by to byť zábava |
Mysleli sme si že by to mohla byť zábava.
Line 26 / 60
Some came because we were ashamed not to.
some |
came |
because |
we were ashamed |
not to (come) |
niektorý |
prišli |
pretože |
boli sme zahanbený |
neprísť |
Niektorý prišli pretože sme boli zahanbený neprísť.
Line 27 / 60
Many of us came, because it was the right thing to do.
many of us |
came |
because |
it was |
the right thing |
to do |
mnoho z nás |
prišlo |
pretože |
to bolo |
správna vec |
robiť |
Mnoho z nás prišlo,pretože to bolo správne.
Line 28 / 60
And all of us have seen men die.
and |
all of us |
have seen |
men die |
a |
všetci z nás |
videli |
mužov umierať |
A všetci z nás videli mužov umierať.
Line 29 / 60
This is a different kind of army.
this is |
a different kind |
of army |
toto je |
iný typ |
armády |
Toto je iný typ armády.
Line 30 / 60
If you look back through history, you will see men fighting for pay, for women, for some other kind of loot.
if |
you look back |
through history |
you will see |
men fighting |
for pay |
for women |
for some other kind of loot |
ak |
pozriete sa späť |
do histórie |
uvidíte |
mužov bojovať |
za plat |
za ženy |
za iný typ odmeny |
Ak sa pozriete späť do histórie, nájdete mužov bojovať za plat, za ženy, za iný typ odmeny.
Line 31 / 60
They fight for land, power, because a king leads them, or just because they like killing.
they fight for |
land |
power |
because |
a king leads them |
or |
just because |
they like |
killing |
bojujú za |
pôdu |
moc |
pretože |
ich vedie kráľ |
alebo |
jednoducho pretože |
majú radi |
zabíjanie |
Bojujú za pôdu, moc, pretože ich vedie kráľ, alebo jednoducho preto že majú radi zabíjanie.
Line 32 / 60
We are here for something new.
we are |
here |
for something new |
my sme |
tu |
za niečo nové |
My sme tu za niečo nové.
Line 33 / 60
This has not happened much in the history of the world.
this has not happened |
much |
in the history |
of the world |
toto sa nestalo |
často |
v histórií |
sveta |
Toto sa moc často nestávalo v histórii sveta.
Line 34 / 60
We are an army out to set other men free.
we are |
an army |
out |
to set |
other men |
free |
mi sme |
armáda |
vonku |
nastaviť |
iných mužov |
slobodní |
Mi sme armáda ktorá ide oslobodiť iných mužov.
Line 35 / 60
America should be free ground, all of it.
America |
should be |
free ground |
all of it |
Amerika |
by mala byť |
slobodná zem |
všetko |
Amerika by mala byť slobodná zem, úplne celá.
Line 36 / 60
Not divided by a line between slave state and free, all the way from here to the Pacific Ocean.
not divided |
by a line |
between |
slave state |
and |
free (state) |
all the way |
from here |
to the Pacific Ocean |
nerozdelená |
čiarou |
medzi |
štát otrokov |
a |
slobodný (štát) |
celú cestu |
odtialto |
po Pacifický Oceán |
Nerozdelená čiarou medzi otrockým štátom a slobodným, celp cestu odtialto až po Pacifický Oceán.
Line 37 / 60
No man has to bow.
no man |
has (must) |
to bow |
žiadny muž |
musí |
klaňať sa |
Žiadny muž sa nemusí klaňať.
Line 38 / 60
No man born to royalty.
no man |
(is) born |
to royalty |
žiadny muž |
narodený |
člen kráľovskej rodiny |
Žiadny muž sa nenarodil kráľom.
Line 39 / 60
Here we judge you by what you do, not by who your father was.
here |
we judge you |
by what |
you do |
not |
by who |
your father was |
tu |
vás súdime |
podľa toho čo |
robíte |
nie |
podľa toho čo |
váš otec bol |
Tu vás posudzujeme podľa toho čo robíte, nie podľa toho čím bol váš otec.
Line 40 / 60
Here you can be something.
here |
you can be |
something |
tu |
môžete |
niečo |
Tu môžete byť niečo.
Line 41 / 60
Here is the place to build a home.
here is |
the place |
to build |
a home |
tu je |
miesto |
stavať |
domov |
Tu je miesto na postavenie domova.
Line 42 / 60
But it's not the land.
but |
it is not |
the land |
ale |
nie je to |
pôda |
Ale nie je to pôda.
Line 43 / 60
There's always more land.
there is |
always |
more land |
tam je |
vždy |
viac pôdy |
Vždy je tu viac pôdy.
Line 44 / 60
It's the idea that we all have value, you and me.
it is |
the idea |
that |
we all have |
value |
you |
and |
me |
to je |
nápad |
ktorý |
všetci máme |
hodnota |
vi |
a |
ja |
Je to nápad ktorý si všetci ceníme, vi a ja.
Line 45 / 60
What we're fighting for, in the end, we're fighting for each other.
what |
we are fighting for |
in the end |
we are fighting for |
each other |
čo |
bojujeme za |
na koniec |
bojujeme za |
jeden druhého |
To za čo bojujeme, v podstate, bojujeme jeden za druhého.
Line 46 / 60
sorry |
Ospravedlňujem sa. |
Ospravedlňujem sa.
Line 47 / 60
I didn't mean to preach.
I did not mean |
to preach |
Nemal som v úmysle |
kázať |
Nemal som v úmysle kázať.
Line 48 / 60
You go ahead.
you go ahead |
Pokračujte |
Line 49 / 60
You talk for a while.
you talk |
for a while |
rozprávate |
chvíľu |
Porozprávajte sa chvíľku.
Line 50 / 60
If you choose to join us and you want your muskets back, you can have them.
if |
you choose |
to join us |
and |
you want |
your muskets |
back |
you can have them |
ak |
si vyberiete |
pridať sa k nám |
a |
chcete |
svoje muškety |
späť |
môžete ich mať |
Ak sa rozhodnete k nám pridať a chcete svoje muškety späť, dostanete ich.
Line 51 / 60
Nothing more will be said by anybody, anywhere.
nothing |
more |
will be said |
by anybody |
anywhere |
nič |
viac |
bude povedané |
nikým |
nikde |
Viac už nebude povedané nikým, nikde.
Line 52 / 60
If you choose not to join us, you can come along under guard.
if |
you choose not |
to join |
us |
you can come along |
under guard |
ak |
si nevyberiete |
pridať sa |
mi |
môžete ísť s nami |
pod ochranou |
Ak sa rozhodnete k nám nepridať, môžete ísť s nami pod dohladom.
Line 53 / 60
When this is over, I'll do what I can to see you get fair treatment, but for now, we're moving out.
when |
this is over |
I will do |
what |
I can |
to see |
you get |
fair treatment |
but |
for now |
we are moving out |
keď |
toto skončilo |
spravím |
čo |
môžem |
vidieť |
dostanete |
férové zaobchádzanie |
ale |
zatial |
sťahujeme sa |
Keď toto skončí,spravím čo je v mojich silách aby bolo s vami zaobchádzané férovo, ale zatiaľ, presúvame sa.
Line 54 / 60
Gentlemen, I think if we lose this fight, we lose the war.
gentlemen |
I think |
if |
we lose |
this fight |
we lose |
the war |
páni |
myslím si |
ak |
prehráme |
tento boj |
prehráme |
vojna |
Páni, myslím si ak prehráme túto bitku, prehráme celú vojnu.
Line 55 / 60
So, if you choose to join us, I'll be personally very grateful.
so |
if |
you choose |
to join |
us |
I will be |
personally |
very grateful |
takže |
ak |
si vyberiete |
pridať sa |
mi |
budem |
osobne |
veľmi vďačný |
Takže, ak sa rozhodnete k nám pridať. Budem vám osobne veľmi vďačný.
Line 56 / 60
Colonel, sir, it's a fine morning.
colonel |
sir |
it is |
a fine morning |
plukonvík |
pane |
je |
nádherné ráno |
Plukonvík, pane, je nádherné ráno.
Line 57 / 60
Captain Spear, are we ready?
Captain Spear |
are we ready |
Kapitán Spear |
sme pripravený |
Kapitán Spear, sme pripravený ?
Line 58 / 60
Sir, that we are.
sir |
that |
we are (ready) |
pane |
to |
sme (pripravení) |
Pano, áno to sme.
Line 59 / 60
Well, then let's move out.
well |
then |
let us |
move out |
nuž |
potom |
nechajte nás |
vysťahovať sa |
Nuž, teda poďme.
Line 60 / 60
Twentieth Maine! Forward! March!
twentieth |
Maine |
forward |
march |
dvadsiaty |
Maine [regiment] |
vpred |
pochod |
Dvadsiata Maine! Vpred! Pochodom vchod!