Hovorím po slovensky a chcem sa naučiť angličtinu. |
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You are matchless in grace and mercy,
you are |
matchless |
in grace |
and |
mercy |
Ty si |
jedinečný |
v milosti |
a |
zľutovanie |
Ty si jedinečný v milosti a zľutovaní,
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There is nowhere we can hide from Your love,
there is |
nowhere |
we can hide |
from your love |
Tam je |
nikde |
my sa môžeme schovať |
pred tvojou láskou |
Nie je miesto, kde sa môžeme schovať pred Tvojou láskou,
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You are steadfast, never failing, You are faithful,
you are steadfast |
never failing |
you are faithful |
ty si vytrvalý |
neomylný |
ty si verný/spoľahlivý |
Ty si vytrvalý, neomylný, si verný,
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All creation is in awe of who You are,
all creation |
is |
in awe of |
who you are |
všetko stvorenie |
je |
v úžase nad |
kto ty si |
Všetko stvorenie je v úžase nad tým, kto si,
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You're the healer of the sick and the broken,
you are |
the healer |
of the sick |
and |
the broken |
ty si |
liečiteľ |
chorích |
a |
chudobních |
Ty si liečiteľ chorích a chudobních,
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You are comfort for every heart that mourns,
you are comfort |
for every heart |
that |
mourns |
ty si útecha |
pre každé srdce |
ktorý, ktorá, ktoré |
smútiť |
Ty si útecha pre každé srdce, ktoré smúti,
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Our King and our Savior forever,
our king |
and |
our savior |
forever |
náš kráľ |
a |
náš spasiteľ |
navždy |
Navždy náš kráľ a spasiteľ,
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For eternity we will sing of all You've done,
for eternity |
we will sing |
of all |
you have done |
na večnosť |
my budeme spievať |
za všetko |
ty si spravil |
Večne budeme spievať za všetko, čo si spravil,
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We sing, God with us, God for us,
we sing |
God |
with us |
God |
for us |
my spievame |
Boh |
s nami |
Boh |
pre nás |
My spievame, Boh s nami, Boh pre nás,
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Nothing could come against, No one can stand between us,
nothing |
could come |
against [us] |
no one |
can stand |
between us |
nič |
môčt prísť |
proti [nám] |
nikto |
môcť stáť |
medzi nami |
Nič nemôže prísť proti nám, nikto nemôže stáť medzi nami,
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Your heart, it moves with compassion,
your heart |
it moves |
with compassion |
tvoje srdce |
to sa hýbe |
so súcitom |
Tvoje srdce sa hýba so súcitom,
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There is life, there is healing in Your love,
there is |
life |
there is |
healing |
in your love |
Tam je |
život |
tam je |
liečenie |
v tvojej láske |
V Tvojej láske je život, v Tvojej láske je liečenie,
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You're the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit,
you are |
the father |
the son |
the holy spirit |
ty si |
Otec |
Syn |
Svätý Duch |
Ty si Otec, Syn, Svätý Duch,
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For eternity we will sing of all You've done,
for eternity |
we will sing |
of all |
you have done |
na večnosť |
my budeme spievať |
za všetko |
ty si spravil |
Večne budeme spievať za všetko, čo si spravil,
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Where there was death, You brought life, Lord,
where |
there was |
death |
you brought |
life |
Lord |
kde |
tam bol/-a |
smrť |
ty si priniesol |
život |
Pán |
Kde bola smrť, Ty si priniesol život Pane,
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Where there was fear, You brought courage,
where |
there was |
fear |
you brought |
courage |
kde |
tam bol/-a |
strach |
ty si priniesol |
odvaha |
Kde bol strach, Ty si priniesol odvahu,
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When I was afraid, You were with me,
when |
I was afraid |
you were |
with me |
keď, kedy |
ja som sa bál |
ty si bol |
so mnou |
Keď som sa bál, bol si so mnou,
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and You're lifting me up, oh, You're lifting me up.
and |
you are lifting me up |
oh |
you are lifting me up |
a |
ty ma zdvíhaš hore |
oh |
ty ma zdvíhaš hore |
A Ty ma zdvíhaš hore, oh, Ty ma zdvíhaš hore.