Hovorím po slovensky a chcem sa naučiť angličtinu. |
Line 1 / 21
Way up north, north to Alaska,
Way |
up |
north |
north |
to Alaska |
ďaleko |
hore |
sever |
sever |
na Ajlaške |
Ďaleko na sever, severne na Aljašku,
Line 2 / 21
North to Alaska, go north, the rush is on,
North |
to Alaska |
go |
north |
the rush |
is on |
sever |
na Aljaške |
ísť |
sever |
(zlatá) horúčka |
započala |
Severne na Aljašku, choďte severne, horúčka započala,
Line 3 / 21
Big Sam left Seattle in the year of ninety-two, with George Pratt, his partner, and brother Billy, too,
Big Sam |
left |
Seattle |
in the year |
of ninety-two (1892) |
With George Pratt |
his partner |
and |
brother |
Billy |
too |
Veľký Sam |
odišiel |
Seattle |
v roku |
deväťdesiatdva (1892) |
s George-om Pratt-om |
jeho partner |
a |
brat |
Billy |
tiež |
Veľký Sam opustil Seattle v roku deväťdesiatdva, s George-om Pratt-om, jeho partnetom a tiež bratom Billy-m,
Line 4 / 21
They crossed the Yukon River and found the bonanza gold,
They crossed |
the Yukon River |
and |
found |
the bonanza gold |
prekročili |
rieku Yukon |
a |
nájsť |
bonanzské zlato |
Prkročili rieku Yukon a našli bonanzské zlato,
Line 5 / 21
Below that old white mountain, just a little southeast of Nome,
Below |
that |
old |
white |
mountain |
just |
a little |
southeast |
of Nome |
pod |
to |
staré |
biela |
hora |
iba |
málo |
juhovýchod |
Nómu |
Pod tou starou bielou horou, iba kúsok juhovýchodne od Nómu,
Line 6 / 21
Sam crossed the majestic mountains to the valleys far below,
Sam |
crossed |
the majestic mountains |
to the valleys |
far |
below |
Sam |
prekročil |
majestátna hora |
do údolí |
ďaleko |
pod |
Sam prekročil tú majestátnu horu do údolí hlboko pod ním,
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He talked to his team of huskies as he mushed on through the snow,
He talked |
to his team |
of huskies |
as |
he mushed |
on |
through the snow |
rozprával |
jeho tímu |
husky-ov (pozostávajúci zo psov husky) |
zatiaľ čo |
drtil |
ďalej |
cez sneh |
Rozprával sa s jeho tímom husky-ov zatiaľ čo sa brodil snehom,
Line 8 / 21
With the Northern Lights a-runnin' wild, in the land of the midnight sun,
With the Northern Lights |
running |
wild |
in the land |
of the midnight sun |
s polárnou žiarou |
bežiac |
divoký, divočiny |
v krajine |
polnočného slnka |
S neskrotnou polárnou žiarou v krajine polnočného slnka,
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Yes, Sam McCord was a mighty man in the year of nineteen-one (1901),
Yes |
Sam McCord |
was |
a mighty man |
in the year |
of nineteen-one |
áno |
Sam McCord |
bol |
mocný muž |
v roku |
tisícdevätsto prvom |
Áno, Sam McCord bol mocným mužom v tisícdevätsto prvom roku (1901),
Line 10 / 21
Where the river is windin', big nuggets they're findin',
Where |
the river |
is winding |
big nuggets |
they are finding |
kde |
rieka |
sa vinie |
veľkú zlaté nugety |
nachádzajú |
Tam, kde sa stáča rieka, nachádzajú veľké zlaté nugety,
Line 11 / 21
North to Alaska, Go north, the rush is on, Way up north, north to Alaska,
North |
to Alaska |
go |
north |
the rush |
is on |
Way up north |
north |
to Alaska |
sever |
na Aljaške |
ísť |
sever |
horúčka |
započala |
Hore na severe |
sever |
na Aljaške |
Severne na Aljašku, choďte severne, horúčka započala, hore na sever,
Line 12 / 21
George turned to Sam with his gold in his hand,
George |
turned |
to Sam |
with his gold |
in his hand |
George |
otočiť |
na Sama |
s jeho zlatom |
v jeho rukách |
George sa otočil na Sama so zlatom v jeho rukách,
Line 13 / 21
Said, "Sam, you're a-lookin' at a lonely, lonely man,
[he] said |
Sam |
you are looking |
at |
a |
lonely |
lonely |
man |
povedal |
Sam |
pozeráš sa |
na |
- |
sám |
osamelý |
muž |
Povedal, "Sam, pozeráš sa na samého, osamelého muža,
Line 14 / 21
"I'd trade all the gold that's buried in this land,
I would trade |
all the gold |
that |
is buried |
in this land |
vymenil by som |
všetko zlato |
ktoré |
je pochovaný, zahrabaný |
v tejto zemi |
"Vymenil by som všetko zlato, zahrabané v tejto zemi,
Line 15 / 21
"For one small band of gold to place on sweet little Jenny's hand,
For |
one small band |
of gold |
to place |
on |
sweet |
little |
Jenny's |
hand |
za, pre |
jeden malý prsteň |
zo zlata |
umiestniť |
na |
sladký |
malý |
Jennina |
ruka |
"Za jeden malý prstienok zo zlata, ktorý by som dal na sladkú malú ručičku Jenny,
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"'Cause a man needs a woman to love him all the time,
because |
a man |
needs |
a woman |
to love |
him |
all the time |
lebo |
muž |
potrebuje |
ženu |
na milovanie |
jeho |
celý čas |
"Lebo muž potrebuje ženu, aby ho celý čas milovala,
Line 17 / 21
"Remember, Sam, a true love is so hard to find,
Remember |
Sam |
a true love |
is |
so (very) hard |
to find |
pamätať |
Sam |
pravá láska |
je |
veľmi ťažké |
nájsť |
"Pamätaj, Sam, je veľmi ťažké nájsť pravú lásku,
Line 18 / 21
"I'd build for my Jenny a honeymoon home,
I would build |
for my Jenny |
a honeymoon home |
postavil by som |
pre moju Jenny |
dom na medové týždne |
"Pre moju Jenny by som postavil dom na medové týždne,
Line 19 / 21
"Below that old white mountain just a little southeast of Nome."
Below |
that |
old |
white |
mountain |
just |
a little |
southeast |
of Nome |
pod |
to |
staré |
biele |
hora |
iba, len |
málo, trochu, kúsok |
juhovýchod |
Nómu |
"Pod tou starou bielou horou iba kúsok juhovýchodne od Nómu."
Line 20 / 21
Where the river is windin', big nuggets they're findin',
Where |
the river |
is winding |
big nuggets |
they are finding |
kde |
rieka |
sa vinie |
veľkú zlaté nugety |
nachádzajú |
Tam, kde sa stáča rieka, nachádzajú veľké zlaté nugety,
Line 21 / 21
North to Alaska, go north, the rush is on.
North |
to Alaska |
go |
north |
the rush |
is on |
sever |
na Aljaške |
ísť |
sever |
horúčka |
započala |
Severne na Aljašku, choďte severne, horúčka započala.