Hovorím po slovensky a chcem sa naučiť angličtinu. |
Line 1 / 43
Howdy, stranger. What can I get ya?
howdy |
stranger |
what |
can I get |
you |
Dobrý (deň) |
neznámy |
čo |
môžem ja dostať |
ty |
Dobrý, cudzinec. Čo vám môžem ponúknuť?
Line 2 / 43
I wouldn't mind one of those cigars.
I would not mind |
one |
of those cigars |
ja mal bysom nemyslel |
jeden |
z tých cigár |
Nepohrdol by som jednou z tých cigár.
Line 3 / 43
Kinda nice in here. You run it?
kind of nice |
in here |
do you run |
it |
druh pekného |
v tam |
beháte |
to |
Je to tu celkom pekné. Patrí vám to tu?
Line 4 / 43
Milt Joyce: Owner, operator.
Milt Joyce |
owner |
operator |
Milt Joyce |
majiteľ |
operátor |
Milt Joyce: majiteľ, barman.
Line 5 / 43
Wyatt Earp
Wyatt Earp |
Wyatt Earp |
Wyatt Earp
Line 6 / 43
Yeah, sure.
yeah |
sure |
Áno |
jasné / iste |
Aha, iste.
Line 7 / 43
I said "Lay off the queen", you jackass!
I said |
lay off |
the queen |
you jackass |
Povedal som |
prepustiť |
kráľovná |
ty blbec |
Povedal som polož tú kráľovnú, hlupák!
Line 8 / 43
I swear I'm gonna slap somebody now.
I swear |
I am going to slap |
somebody |
now |
prisahám |
dám facku |
niekto |
teraz |
Prisahám že dám niekomu facku.
Line 9 / 43
Excuse me for asking, Milt, but... kind of dead in here, isn't it?
excuse me |
for asking |
Milt |
but |
kind of dead |
in here |
is not it |
prepáčte mi |
za pýtanie |
Milt |
ale |
trochu mŕtve |
tu |
nie je to |
Prepáčte, že sa pýtam, Milt, ale... Nemáte to tu nejaké mŕtve?
Line 10 / 43
See that bird at the faro table?
(you) see |
that bird |
at the faro table |
ty vidíš |
ten vták |
pri kartovom stole |
Vidíte toho blbca pri tom kartovom stole?
Line 11 / 43
You back that queen again, you son-of-a-bitch, I'll blow you right up that wildcat's ass! Do you hear me, huh?
you back |
that queen |
again |
you son of a bitch |
I will blow |
you |
right up |
that wildcat's ass |
do you hear me |
huh |
ty späť |
tú kráľovnú |
znova |
ty skurvysyn |
ja budem fúkať |
ty |
až |
zadok divej mačky |
počuješ ma |
hm |
Preč s tou kráľovnou, ty skurvysyn, vrazím ti takú, že ťa vystrelím až na mesiac! Počuješ?
Line 12 / 43
He comes barging in here one day, slapping all the customers, waving his gun around.
he comes barging |
in here |
one day |
slapping the customers |
waving his gun |
around |
Vtrhne |
sem |
jendého dňa |
fackuje zákazníkov |
máva zbraňou |
okolo |
Len tak sem jedného dňa vtrhne, fackuje zákazníkov a máva zbraňou.
Line 13 / 43
He chased out all the high-class play.
he chased out |
all the high class play |
Vyhnal |
hráčov z lepších kruhov |
Odstrašil mi všetkých hráčov z lepších kruhov.
Line 14 / 43
The only trade that comes in here now is just the bummers and the drovers, just the dregs.
the only trade |
that |
comes |
in here |
now |
is |
just |
the bummers |
and |
the drovers |
just |
the dregs |
jediný biznis |
ktorý |
prichádza |
sem |
teraz |
je |
iba |
tulákov |
a |
honičov dobytka |
iba |
spodinu |
Jediná klientela, ktorá sem ešte chodí, sú tuláci a honiči dobytka, iba spodina.
Line 15 / 43
Why don't you get rid of him? Get yourself a straight dealer?
why |
do not you get rid |
of him |
get |
yourself |
a straight dealer |
prečo |
sa nezbavíte |
jeho |
dostaňte |
seba |
priamy predajca |
Prečo sa ho nezbavíte, a nezoženiete si slušného rozdávača kariet?
Line 16 / 43
Sure, stranger, that's easy for you to say.
sure |
stranger |
that is |
easy |
for you |
to say |
jasné |
cudzinec |
to je |
ľahké |
pre teba |
povedať |
Jasné, cudzinec, to sa ti ľahko povie.
Line 17 / 43
Shit! And God damn it, Junior, how many times am I going to tell you to keep that damn cigar out of my face? Huh?
shit |
and |
God damn it |
Junior |
how many times |
am I going |
to tell |
you |
to keep |
that damn cigar |
out of my face |
huh |
hovno |
a |
do Boha |
mladý |
koľkokrát |
budem |
povedať |
ti |
udržať |
tú posratú cigaru |
preč z mojej tváre |
hm |
Do riti! Do Boha, Junior, koľkokrát ti mám povedať, aby si tú cigaru držal preč od mojej tváre, hm?
Line 18 / 43
Christ almighty, it's like I'm sitting here playing cards with my brother's kids or something,...
Christ almighty |
it is like |
I am sitting |
here |
playing cards |
with my brother's kids |
or |
something |
Preboha |
je to ako |
ja sedím |
tu |
hrám karty |
s bratovými deťmi |
alebo |
niečo |
Preboha, akoby som tu sedel a hral karty s deťmi môjho brata alebo niečo,...
Line 19 / 43
...you nerve-wracking sons-of-bitches.
you |
nerve wracking |
sons of bitches |
ty |
nervy drásajúci |
skurvysynovia |
...vy nervy drácajúci skurvysynovia.
Line 20 / 43
Is something on your mind?
is |
something |
on your mind |
je |
niečo |
na vašej mysli |
Máte niečo na mysli?
Line 21 / 43
[I] Just want to let you know you're sitting in my chair.
[I] just |
want |
to let you know |
you are sitting |
in my chair |
iba |
chcem |
vám povedať |
vy sedíte |
v mojej stoličke |
Len som vám chcel povedať, že sedíte na mojej stoličke.
Line 22 / 43
Is that a fact?
is |
that |
a fact |
je |
to |
fakt |
Line 23 / 43
Yeah, it's a fact.
yeah (yes) |
it is |
a fact |
áno |
to je |
fakt |
Áno, naozaj.
Line 24 / 43
For a man that don't go heeled, you run your mouth kind of reckless, don't you?
for a man |
that |
do not go heeled |
you run |
your mouth |
kind of reckless |
do not you |
pre muža |
ktorý |
chodí neozbrojený |
vy beháte |
vaše ústa |
druh nedbanlivosti |
nie |
Na neozbrojeného muža si púštate ústa na špacír, trochu riskantné, nemyslíte?
Line 25 / 43
No need to go heeled to get the bulge on a tub like you.
no need |
to go heeled |
to get the bulge |
on a tub |
like you |
netreba |
byť ozbrojený |
aby som sa ubránil |
tučkovi |
ako ty |
Nemusím byť ozbrojený aby som sa ubránil tučkovi ako ty.
Line 26 / 43
Is that a fact?
is |
that |
a fact |
je |
to |
fakt |
Line 27 / 43
Mm-hmm. That's a fact.
mm-hmm [yes] |
that is |
a fact |
mhmm (áno) |
to je |
fakt |
Mhmm. Skutočne.
Line 28 / 43
Well, I'm real scared.
well |
I am real scared |
nuž |
naozaj sa bojím |
Nuž, skutočne sa bojím.
Line 29 / 43
Damn right, you're scared.
damn right |
you are scared |
Jasné do riti |
bojíš sa |
Do riti, jasné, že sa bojíš.
Line 30 / 43
I can see that in your eyes.
I can see |
that |
in your eyes |
vidím |
to |
v tvojich očiach |
Vidím ti to na očiach.
Line 31 / 43
Alright now!
alright |
now |
dobre |
teraz |
Line 32 / 43
Go ahead.
go ahead |
choď |
Do toho.
Line 33 / 43
Go ahead! Skin it!
go ahead |
skin it |
choď |
vytas |
Do toho! Vytas!
Line 34 / 43
Skin that smoke wagon and see what happens.
skin that smoke wagon |
and |
see |
what happens |
Vytas tú búchačku |
a |
vidieť |
čo stane |
Vytas tú búchačku a uvidíme čo sa stane.
Line 35 / 43
Listen, mister, I-I'm getting awful tired of your...
listen |
mister |
I am getting |
awful tired |
of your |
počuj |
pane |
dostávam |
hrozne unavený |
vašim |
Počujte, pane, strašne ma unavujú vaše...
Line 36 / 43
I'm getting tired of your gas. Now jerk that pistol and go to work.
I am getting tired |
of your gas |
now |
jerk that pistol |
and |
go to work |
Ja som unavený |
z vašich kecov (slov) |
teraz |
vytas tú pištoľ |
a |
choď do práce |
Unavujú ma vaše kecy. Tak vytas tú pištoľ a poďme na to.
Line 37 / 43
I said, "Throw down, boy".
I said |
throw down |
boy |
povedal som |
zhodiť |
chlapec |
Povedal som, "Tas ju, chlapče".
Line 38 / 43
You going to do something or just stand there and bleed?
[are] you going |
to do |
something |
or |
just |
stand |
there |
and |
bleed |
idete |
robiť |
niečo |
alebo |
len |
stáť |
tam |
and |
krvácať |
Aj niečo plánuješ urobiť, alebo tam len budeš stáť a krvácať?
Line 39 / 43
No? I didn't think so.
no |
I did not think |
so |
nie |
nemyslel som |
tak |
Nie? Myslel som si.
Line 40 / 43
Here, Milt, a keepsake. Hang it over the bar.
here |
Milt |
a keepsake |
hang it |
over the bar |
tu |
Milt |
suvenír |
zaves to |
cez bar |
Tu máš, Milt, suvenír. Zaves ho nad bar.
Line 41 / 43
Alright, youngster, out you go!
alright |
youngster |
out you go |
dobre |
mládenec |
choď von |
Dobre, mládenec, choď už.
Line 42 / 43
Don't come back! Ever!
do not come back |
ever |
nevracaj sa |
nikdy |
Nevracaj sa! Nikdy!
Line 43 / 43
Well, what do you say, Milt? Twenty-five percent of the house takes sound about right?
well |
what |
do you say |
Milt |
twenty-five percent (25%) |
of the house takes |
sound |
about right |
nuž |
čo |
povieš |
Milt |
dvadsaťpäť percent |
tržby (prijímov) |
hudba |
celkom dobre |
Nuž, čo povieš, Milt? Dvadsaťpäť percent z tržby znie celkom dobre, nie?