Hovorím po slovensky a chcem sa naučiť angličtinu. |
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People did not give it credence that a young girl could leave home and go off in the winter time to avenge her father's blood, but it did happen.
people |
did not give it credence |
that |
a young girl |
could leave home |
and |
go off |
in the winter time |
to avenge |
her father's blood |
but |
it did happen |
ľudia |
nedávali dôveryhodnosť |
že |
mladé dievča |
mohlo odísť z domu |
a |
odísť |
v zimnom čase |
pomstiť |
krv jej otca |
ale |
stalo sa |
Ľudia neverili, že by mohlo mladé dievča uprostred zimy opustiť domov, aby pomstilo svojho otca. Ale presne to sa stalo.
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I was just fourteen years of age when a coward by the name of Tom Chaney shot my father down and robbed him of his life and his horse and two California gold pieces that he carried in his trouser pant.
I was |
just |
fourteen years of age |
when |
a coward |
by the name of |
Tom Chaney |
shot down |
my father |
and |
robbed |
him |
of his life |
and |
his horse |
and |
two California gold pieces |
that |
he carried |
in his trouser pant |
bola som |
iba |
štrnásťročná |
keď |
zbabelec |
menom |
Tom Chaney |
zastrelil |
môjho otca |
a |
okradol |
ho |
o jeho život |
a |
jeho koňa |
a |
dve kalifornské zlatky |
ktoré |
on nosil |
v jeho nahovaciach |
Mala som len štrnásť, keď zbabelec menom Tom Chaney zastrelil môjho otca. Okradol ho nielen o život, o jeho koňa, ale aj o dve kalifornské zlatky, ktoré nosieval v nohaviciach.
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Chaney was a hired man, and Papa had taken him up to Fort Smith to help lead back a string of mustang ponies that he had bought.
Chaney |
was |
a hired man |
and |
Papa |
had taken |
him |
up |
to Fort Smith |
in order to help lead back |
a string of |
mustang ponies |
that |
he had bought |
Chaney |
bol |
najatý muž |
a |
otecko (otec) |
vzal |
ho |
hore |
na Fort Smith |
aby pomohol doviesť nazad |
stádo (reťazec) |
mustang poníkov |
ktoré |
kúpil |
Chaney bol najatý muž, ktorého otecko vzal na Forth Smith, aby mu pomohol priviesť nazad stádo mustang poníkov, ktoré kúpil.
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In town, Chaney had fallen into drink and cards and lost all his money.
in town |
Chaney |
had fallen |
into drink |
and |
cards |
and |
(had) lost |
all his money |
v meste |
Chaney |
padol |
do alkoholu |
a |
kariet |
a |
prehral (prišiel o) |
všetky jeho peniaze |
V meste Chaney upadol do alkoholu a kariet a prišiel o všetky svoje peniaze.
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He got it into his head he was being cheated and went back to the boarding house for his Henry rifle.
he got |
it |
into his head |
he was being cheated |
and |
went back |
to the boarding house |
for his Henry rifle |
dostal |
to |
do hlavy |
že bol podvedený |
a |
šiel nazad |
do penziónu |
po jeho Henry pušku |
Zmyslel si, že bol podvedený a šiel nazad do penziónu pre svoju Henry pušku.
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When Papa tried to intervene, Chaney shot him. Chaney fled.
when |
Papa |
tried to intervene |
Chaney |
shot |
him |
Chaney |
fled |
keď |
otecko |
chcel zakročiť |
Chaney |
zastrelil |
jeho |
Chaney |
utiekol |
Keď chcel otecko zakročiť, Chaney ho zastrelil a utiekol.
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He could have walked his horse, for not a soul in that city could be bothered to give chase.
he could have walked |
his horse |
for (because) |
not a soul |
in that city |
could be bothered |
to give chase |
mohol sa prejsť |
na svojom koni |
pretože |
nebolo duše |
v tom meste |
ktorá by sa obťažovala |
prenasledovať ho |
Mohol sa pokojne prechádzať na koni, pretože v tom meste nebolo duše, ktorá by sa obťažovala prenasledovať ho.
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No doubt Chaney fancied himself scot free, but he was wrong. (he got away without punishment)
no doubt |
Chaney |
fancied |
himself |
scot free |
but |
he was wrong |
bez pochyby |
Chaney |
sa zdalo |
jeho |
zadarmo |
ale |
mýlil sa |
Bez pochyby sa Cheneymu zdalo, že sa vyhol trestu, no mýlil sa. (že sa vyhol trestu)
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You must pay for everything in this world one way and another; there is nothing free except the grace of God.
you must pay |
for everything |
in this world |
one way and another |
there is |
nothing |
free |
except |
the grace of God |
musíš zaplatiť |
za všetko |
v tomto svete |
tak či tak |
je tu |
nič |
zadarmo |
okrem |
Božia milosrdnosť |
Musíš tak či tak zaplatiť za všetko na tomto svete. Nič nie je zadarmo, len Božia milosrdnosť.