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I speak English and I want to learn French.

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French Verbs

Infinitive - retourner - "return", "go back", "turn again" - regular "er" verb

Present participle - retournant

Past participle - retourné(e)(s)

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Line 1 / 15

présent de l'indicatif

je retourne

I return

tu retournes

you return

il retourne

he returns

elle retourne

she returns

nous retournons

we return

vous retournez

you return

ils retournent

they return

elles retournent

they return

Line 2 / 15

imparfait de l'indicatif

je retournais

I was returning

tu retournais

you were returning

il retournait

he was returning

elle retournait

she was returning

nous retournions

we were returning

vous retourniez

you were returning

ils retournaient

they were returning

elles retournaient

they were returning

Line 3 / 15

passé simple

je retournai

I returned

tu retournas

you returned

il retourna

he returned

elle retourna

she returned

nous retournâmes

we returned

vous retournâtes

you returned

ils retournèrent

they returned

elles retournèrent

they returned

Line 4 / 15


je retournerai

I will return

tu retourneras

you will return

il retournera

he will return

elle retournera

she will return

nous retournerons

we will return

vous retournerez

you will return

ils retourneront

they will return

elles retourneront

they will return

Line 5 / 15


je retournerais

I would return

tu retournerais

you would return

il retournerait

he would return

elle retournerait

she would return

nous retournerions

we would return

vous retourneriez

you would return

ils retourneraient

they would return

elles retourneraient

they would return

Line 6 / 15

présent du subjonctif

je retourne

I return

tu retournes

you return

il retourne

he returns

elle retourne

she returns

nous retournions

we return

vous retourniez

you return

ils retournent

they return

elles retournent

they return

Line 7 / 15

imparfait du subjonctif

je retournasse

I would have been returning

tu retournasses

you would have been returning

il retournât

he would have been returning

elle retournât

she would have been returning

nous retournassions

we would have been returning

vous retournassiez

you would have been returning

ils retournassent

they would have been returning

elles retournassent

they would have been returning

Line 8 / 15

passé composé

je suis retourné(e)

I have returned

tu es retourné(e)

you have returned

il est retourné

he has returned

elle est retournée

she has returned

nous sommes retourné(e)s

we have returned

vous êtes retourné(e)(s)

you have returned

ils sont retournés

they have returned

elles sont retournées

they have returned

Line 9 / 15

plus-que-parfait de l'indicatif

je étais retourné(e)

I had returned

tu étais retourné(e)

you had returned

il était retourné

he had returned

elle était retournée

she had returned

nous étions retourné(e)s

we had returned

vous étiez retourné(e)(s)

you had returned

ils étaient retournés

they had returned

elles étaient retournées

they had returned

Line 10 / 15

passé antérieur

je fus retourné(e)

I had returned

tu fus retourné(e)

you had returned

il fut retourné

he had returned

elle fut retournée

she had returned

nous fûmes retourné(e)s

we had returned

vous fûtes retourné(e)s

you had returned

ils furent retournés

they had returned

elles furent retournées

they had returned

Line 11 / 15

futur antérieur

je serai retourné(e)

I will have returned

tu seras retourné(e)

you will have returned

il sera retourné

he will have returned

elle sera retournée

she will have returned

nous serons retourné(e)s

we will have returned

vous serez retourné(e)(s)

you will have returned

ils seront retournés

they will have returned

elles seront retournées

they will have returned

Line 12 / 15

conditionnel passé

je serais retourné(e)

I would have returned

tu serais retourné(e)

you would have returned

il serait retourné

he would have returned

elle serait retournée

she would have returned

nous serions retourné(e)s

we would have returned

vous seriez retourné(e)s

you would have returned

ils seraient retournés

they would have returned

elles seraient retournées

they would have returned

Line 13 / 15

passé du subjonctif

je sois retourné(e)

I would have returned

tu sois retourné(e)

you would have returned

il soit retourné

he would have returned

elle soit retournée

she would have returned

nous soyons retourné(e)s

we would have returned

vous soyez retourné(e)(s)

you would have returned

ils soient retournés

they would have returned

elles soient retournées

they would have returned

Line 14 / 15

plus-que-parfait du subjonctif

je fusse retourné(e)

I would have returned

tu fusses retourné(e)

you would have returned

il fût retourné

he would have returned

elle fût retournée

she would have returned

nous fussions retourné(e)s

we would have returned

vous fussiez retourné(e)(s)

you would have returned

ils fussent retournés

they would have returned

elles fussent retournées

they would have returned

Line 15 / 15



Return! [you (familiar)]


Let's return!


Return! [you (formal)]